

  • Machine Learning Systems
  • Distributed Systems
  • Cloud
  • Natural Language Processing

Current work

I am working with Professor Krishnamoorthi Makkithaya and Professor Dinesh Acharya U on Topic Modelling. Our work identifies latent topics within Amazon phone reviews to assess why certain companies consistently dominate the smartphone market.

Future work

I am reading research in Systems, ML and the Cloud to help me answer the following questions:
  • Can task and model parallelism be effectively combined to parallelize ML models?
  • How to schedule such operations across distributed workers?
  • Can advancements in serverless computing further scale these models?

I plan to apply for a Master's in CS with a concentration in Systems to help me answer the above questions. You can read more about my motivation to pursue a Master's here.

Check out my CV/Resume for details about my past work.