About Me :wave:

My name is Somansh Reddy Satish. I am a senior software engineer at Komprise in Bangalore, India. I am broadly interested in Distributed Systems, Systems for Machine Learning and the Cloud.

I have majored in Computer Science with a minor in Intelligent Systems at Manipal Institute of Technology (BTech). I have applied for a Master’s in Computer Science in the US for Fall 2022. Currently, I am awaiting decisions.

I have recently developed an interest in learning (and using) new words to bamboozle edify my friends. For this, I would like to give credit to the GRE for being more than just another exam.

Outside of work, you would find me watching anime, cricket and basketball. I also enjoy reading a lot about investing because I like watching numbers grow. #CompoundInterest

Check out my CV/Resume for more details about my work.


Senior Software Engineer, Komprise

January 2022 — Present

Software Engineer, Komprise

August 2020 — December 2021

Software Engineer - Intern, Komprise

January 2020 — July 2020

Data Analytics Research Intern, IIT Bombay

May 2019 — July 2019

CS Undergrad, Manipal Institute of Technology

2016 — 2020

GitHub Contributions

Somansh's Github chart

Upcoming features on this website

Please leave any suggestions on GitHub
  • A Projects tab to showcase my work.
  • A 'Word Of The Day' section on the home page.